Mother Cow Dairy is a Cow Lover Dairy. We love our cows and guess what? They love us too!
We are extremely passionate about love and compassion towards cows, bulls and calves. We are committed to take care of our herd for their entire life. We strongly believe that milk can only be healthy when cows, the very source of milk; are happy and healthy. In practice of our ethics, milk is of no use if cows are not joyful and stress-free. At our dairy, wellbeing of herd is absolutely the topmost priority. Whether you are an animal lover or a health freak, Mother Cow Dairy is the right Ethical & Healthy choice for you.
In commercial dairy, almost all the baby boys “bobby calves” are sold off to the meat market within first week of their life. Hundreds of thousand babies end up in this very unfortunate and disheartening situation every year. Also, most of the cows end up in the food chain sooner or later. However, none of the Mother Cow Dairy herd members will ever end up in such helpless situation.
We are a small but a sustainable cow profit dairy model run by two Australian families with immense community support. Our milk is Cruelty-free, Slaughter-free, Ethical, Rich, Creamy, Happy, Healthy, Wholesome, and Fresh. How wonderful is that?
It is loaded with protein, calcium, Vitamin D, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, and much more. At our farm, mum and baby stay together. Our cows graze freely on pasture which brings a unique flavour and texture in the coinjoin milk. Our milk is delicious on it’s own for everyday meal and a perfect ingredient for mouthwatering recipes.
We started with a handful of stores in Melbourne in 2018, but with your consistent support and the uniqueness of the product, we are now available at multiple stockists in all major cities of Australia and the numbers are growing !
Our mission is to make slaughter-free milk a reality and establish sustainable dairy farming across Australia. We would like to offer a real compassionate, healthy and ethical choice to Australian families and communities.